Top Ten Things We Love About Shadocat:
10. Dinah thinks she has the COOLEST HANDLE evah.
9. She's not afraid to publicly show her emotions.
8. She's not afraid to publicly apologize. (See #9.)
7. She has red hair.
6. She reads. All the time, anything she can get her hands on. Takes it in, makes connections, says what she thinks. A writer couldn't ask for more.
5. She writes. All the time, in one form or another, really well and improving her craft all the time. Remember her name -- well, when you know her real name.
3. She's played for both teams, and she chose MINE. (Gimme a D -- Gimme a Y -- Gimme a K -- ) (Okay, I know some of ya'll would argue this one the other way.)
2. She is holding down an outpost of love and clarity in the so-called "flyover states".
1. Still Ain't Satisfied!